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Showing posts from March, 2013

SQL Query :- Create Tables,Primary key,Foreign key,Merge Statment

SQL Query 1)    Using CASE Statement : - To Check the Particular column ISNULL              CASE WHEN ISNULL ([Col_Name], ' ') = ' ' THEN 'Others'                       ELSE [Col_Name] END AS [Col_Name] 2)    Convert Data format into VARCHAR and save 10/18/2012 this Format and also check if Date Column is Empty or not.                 CONVERT (VARCHAR,[Col_CreatedDt], 101) AS CreatedDt                        , CASE WHEN ISNULL ([Col_ModifiedDt], ' ') = ' ' THEN ' not available'                        ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR, [ Col_ModifiedDt], 101) END AS ModifiedDt 3)    Casting  and Check Date Difference               CAST (Col_Name or ParameterName AS VARCHAR)               DATEDIFF(HOUR,Col_Date, GETDATE())<=24 4)    Create two table and set Primary key and Foreign Key             Create Table Exams            (                 exam_id int primary key,                 exam_name varchar(50),            );